Title: Captain America (1992)

Format: DVD

Directed by: Albert Pyun

Written by: Stephen Tolkin, Lawrence Block

Starring: Matt Salinger, Ronny Cox, Ned Beatty, Darren McGavin, Michael Nouri, Melinda Dillon

Studio: Fox MGM

Rating: ★½☆☆☆

Review by: Bill Jones

With a new adventure for Captain America: The First Avenger already released in theaters on the road to The Avengers, MGM/Fox figured they might as well cash in with an MGM Limited Edition Collection DVD for the 1992 version of Captain America, with Albert Pyun at the helm and Matt Salinger under the cowl. But comic fans beware – this isn’t the Captain America you know and love.

Surprisingly, rewatching this film, it didn’t seem quite as cheesy as I thought it would, though that may be to its detriment. Captain America is a bad adaptation of the comic character, and doesn’t even have the good grace to brace its fall with some cheesy B-film humor. Everything about it simply seems hokey and poorly made.

The Red Skull defeats Cap back in 1941, but our hero finds himself in suspended animation until he comes out 50 years later to battle him once again and respond in a hokey “gee whiz” fashion to the changes that have taken place. But it’s not detailed or entertaining in a Forever Young sort of way, the action is terrible and all in all there is just no good reason to go back to this film, especially when the new one gets it mostly right.

For more info, foxmovies.com

Pads & Panels received a copy of the DVD courtesy of the studio for review purposes.