Title: Greatest Rivalries: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart
Format: Three-Disc DVD Set
Studio: WWE Home Video
Review by: Bill Jones
It’s no secret that WWE Home Video has been unashamedly mining its archives for as many DVD and Blu-ray releases as it can possibly get out on the market. But more often than not lately, the company seems to be hitting its marks when it comes to these releases.
One of the latest and most fantastic is the first in a presumed series titled Greatest Rivalries, this one focusing on the feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. Most wrestling fans are readily familiar with the infamous Montreal Screwjob, but before things got to that point, these wrestling superstars had a great feud, and this three-disc DVD collection outlines that feud.
The first disc is particularly enthralling, featuring an interview in which Jim Ross sits down with both competitors for an in-depth interview that traces their beginnings together to the screwjob and beyond. The two get along fairly well (only contending on a few points) and tell the story of how a working friendship and respect turned sour.
The second two discs are packed with matches, from a 1989 tag team bout between The Rockers and The Hart Foundation to the 1996 Iron Man Match. The last disc also features the Hall of Fame inductions of each wrestler and Bret Hart’s return to Monday Night Raw. It’s a nice collection of matches that does not include the infamous screwjob. Though it seems that is deliberate because neither wrestler wants that moment on the disc or wants it defining their rivalry, the collection seems incomplete without it.
Despite that it’s a great collection all-around, from the news-clipping-esque packaging, to the content of the discs. If Greatest Rivalries: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart is a sign of things to come, WWE fans could be in store for a fantastic series.
For more info, wwe.com
Pads & Panels received a copy of the DVD set courtesy of the studio for review purposes.