So there is this game out for the Nintendo DS right now called Big-Bang Mini. I hear it’s pretty cool. Kevin actually has our copy right now for review. Anyways, I found out the other day that the game’s website is offering the game’s “award-winning” soundtrack for free. Thought I’d pass it along to readers.
Just go to the game’s site, , and there will be a floating icon with balloons that moves across the screen. Click it to download the zip file of the soundtrack.
I listened to it twice while going over the posts for today for the umpteenth time and it is pretty rad. It is just good, fun instrumental music a bit more advanced than but remniscient of the 16- and 32-bit era tunes of games. It is done by French electronic group Yubaba, Smith and Fortune, and it is quite varied. And it’s free, so go check it out!