Title: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Platform: PS3
ESRB Rating: T
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Naughty Dog

Review by: Bill Jones
Sometimes innovation comes out of nowhere with a striking new idea that blindsides us and changes an industry. But more times than not, innovation is a gradual effort, where no one thing can be cited as the sole instigator of change. But still, in those gradual instances, there is often a point when that change is realized and credited to the epitome of its ideal.
The original Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune marked an early display of PlayStation 3’s power and Naughty Dog’s interest in bringing their skills to a more realistic (visually) gaming experience. Its story played out like an Indiana Jones movie with a good sense of humor, as Nathan Drake, a descendent of Sir Francis Drake, set about on a modern-day quest to find the legendary treasure of El Dorado. Along the way, Drake teamed up and played betrayal games with a dynamic set of characters, with explosive third-person gun-fighting action every step of the way.
But that’s neither here nor there with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. While fans of the first will have a slight edge and get a little bit more out of its sequel, Naughty Dog smartly creates an entirely new story, relying very little on the first, leaving Uncharted 2 accessible to new audiences, while also expanding on the characters people grew to love in the first installment. (more…)

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